Monthly Archives: August 2013


#yum -y install ferm #chkconfig ferm on; service ferm restart #mkdir /etc/ferm Basic example:

#vi /etc/ferm/ferm.conf

# Interfaces
@def $DEV_LOCAL = lo;
@def $DEV_LAN = bond1;
@def $DEV_INTERNET = bond0;

# Ports
@def $PORTS_LAN = (ssh mysql http https);
@def $PORTS_INTERNET = (ssh mysql http https);

table filter {
chain INPUT {
policy DROP;

# connection tracking - for ftp related
mod state state INVALID DROP;

# allow local connections - lo and LAN if required
interface $DEV_LOCAL ACCEPT;
#interface $DEV_LAN ACCEPT;

# respond to ping - allowed?
proto icmp icmp-type echo-request ACCEPT;

# our services to the Internet
proto tcp interface $DEV_INTERNET dport $PORTS_INTERNET ACCEPT;

# our services to the LAN
proto tcp interface $DEV_LAN dport $PORTS_LAN ACCEPT;

# the rest is dropped by the above policy

# outgoing connections are not limited
chain OUTPUT {
outerface lo ACCEPT;
proto ( tcp udp ) dport 53 ACCEPT;

# this is not a router
chain FORWARD {
policy DROP;
In production, let CFEngine or Puppet manages ferm.conf and customize local module in ferm.rule.d.]]>

What drives investment price?

  • money supply
  • policy
  • If the value is intact along the time, more money means less value of the money, which means higher price. However price is also infected by sentiment (fear and optimism). In this situation, market sentiment may drive value lower or higher, creating some opportunity to arbitrage. From policy, loose policy means more money/leverage which can drive the price higher as well. The money market controls the policy, therefore they can control price movement for their own interests. In this situation, policy may drive value lower or higher as well. Again in this situation, arbitrage opportunity is also created. If you are a standard short term trader, it would be hard to rely on mathematical arbitrage because HFT would run faster. However in those situation where HFT may not be able to arbitrage value, there is still an opportunity left. Also HFT seems to stay shorter rather than longer. Play along those 2 things to beat the HFT and win with the money maker. It’s been common, that money supply should always increase and policy should get looser. It may create worst situation at the end of the ponzi game; however it’s also your buy and hold, old friend.]]>